Sunday, February 26, 2012


·         7.13 describe the uses of radioactivity in medical and non-medical tracers, in radiotherapy and in the radioactive dating of archaeological specimens and rocks

<<Uses of radioactivity.pptm>>

Medical Tracers

Radioactive Dating



Uses of radioactivity.pptm Download this file

DJFPh108dating5.swf Download this file

DJFPh106carb2.swf Download this file

7.10 to 7.12 answers

1.              What happens to the amount of ‘mother’ nuclei as time passes?


2.              What sort of radioisotope will decay the fastest - one with a long half life or one with a short half life?

One with a short half life

3.              Does half life tell us exactly when a particular nucleus in a radioisotope will decay?

No.  It is a random process - we can not know exactly when a particular nucleus will decay

4.              What are the two definitions of half life?

a.                  The time taken for the activity of a sample to halve

b.                  The time taken for the number of radioactive atoms in a sample to halve

5.              What does the activity of a source mean?

The number of decays per second

6.              What is the unit of activity?

Becquerel (Bq)

7.              What will happen to the number of ‘mother’ nuclei after two half lives?

1    è    ½     è    ¼  

     1xhalf life       2xhalf life 

The number of mother nuclei will be ¼ of the original number

8.              What will happen to the activity of a source after two half lives?

1    è    ½     è    ¼  

     1xhalf life       2xhalf life 

The activity will be ¼ of the original activity



7.10 to 7.12 calculation answers

12 January 2012


1.              A radioisotope has a half life of 12 years. What fraction of the radioisotope will be left after 60 years?

Fraction remaining:

1    è    ½     è    ¼    è   1/8    è   1/16    è   1/32

1xhalf life       2xhalf life          3xhalf life        4xhalf life          5xhalf life

      12 years        24 years            36 years          48 years            60 years


2.              If the activity of a sample falls to 1/64th of its original level after 2 hours, what is the half life of the sample?


è  ½  è  ¼  è  1/8  è  1/16  è  1/32  è  1/64

      1xhalf life    2xhalf life     3xhalf life      4xhalf life         5xhalf life         6xhalf life

Decay takes 2 hours (= 120 minutes)

This is 6 half lives

So 1 half life = 120 minutes / 6 half lives = 20 minutes


3.              The background radiation in a laboratory is 7 Bq. The count rate from a radioisotope is measured and it has a reading of 119 Bq. If the half life of the radioisotope is 10 minutes, what will be the reading 20 minutes later?


Initial count rate at detector = 119 Bq

But Background rate = 7 Bq

So activity of radioisotope = 119 – 7 = 112 Bq


è  ½  è  ¼

      1xhalf life    2xhalf life

    10mins   +  10mins = 20mins

112Bq  è  56Bq  è  28Bq = activity of radioisotope after 20 mins


But this doesn’t include the background rate!

Detector reading = 28Bq + 7Bq = 35Bq


4.              Potassium decays into argon.  The half life of potassium is 1.3 billion years.  A sample of rock from Mars is found to contain three argon atoms for every atom of potassium.  How old is the rock?


Proportion of K:       1  è  ½  è  ¼

Proportion of Ar:      0  è  ½  è  3/4   

                                                   1xhalf life    2xhalf life

So after 2 half lives there will be 3 times as many Ar atoms as K atoms

Age of rocks = 2 x half life = 2 x 1.3x109 = 2.6 billion years


7.4 to 7.12 Plenary questions

radioactivitty plenary multichoice questions.pptm Download this file



01 February 2012


Tell the person next to you…

·         What is the most dangerous type of radiation outside the body?  Why?

·         What is the most dangerous type of radiation inside the body?  Why?

·         Gamma radiation is the most dangerous type of radiation outside the body because it is extremely penetrating.  (Alpha radiation is not dangerous because it is stopped by skin)

·         Alpha radiation is the most dangerous type of radiation inside the body because it is highly ionising due to its high charge (+2) and high mass (RAM=4).  (Gamma radiation is only very weakly ionising)




12 January 2012


·         7.14 describe the dangers of ionising radiations, including:

·         radiation can cause mutations in living organisms

·         radiation can damage cells and tissue

·         the problems arising in the disposal of radioactive waste

<<Dangers of radioactivity.pptm>>

Chernobyl Disaster

Hiroshima and Nagasaki - the first nuclear bombs

After the Hiroshima bomb

Dangers of radioactivity.pptm Download this file

alpha, beta, gamma - effect on human body.pptx Download this file

Thursday, February 23, 2012

7.10 to 7.12

·         Smoke detectors use 241Am to emit alpha particles which pass through a small air gap before being detected.  If smoke particles are present they interrupt the beam of alpha particles and this triggers the alarm to go off

·         Tomorrow, will the 241Am still be as radioactive?

·         Next year, will the 241Am still be as radioactive?

·         In a thousand years, will the 241Am still be as radioactive?


·         To answer the questions, we need to know the half life of Americium-241 which is 432 years

·         Tomorrow and even next year its activity will hardly have changed at all (sensible for a smoke detector - you don't want it to suddenly stop working!)

·         In a thousand years its activity will have dropped to about a quarter




7.10 to 7.12

12 January 2012


·         7.10 understand that the activity of a radioactive source decreases over a period of time and is measured in becquerels

·         7.11 recall the term ‘half-life’ and understand that it is different for different radioactive isotopes

·         7.12 use the concept of half-life to carry out simple calculations on activity

Half-life of Different Isotopes


<<Half life.pptx>>

<<interactive simple half life calculations.swf>>

<<Decay of Balonium  - exponential graph.swf>>



7.10 to 7.12 questions

01 February 2012


1.              What happens to the amount of ‘mother’ nuclei as time passes?

2.              What sort of radioisotope will decay the fastest - one with a long half life or one with a short half life?

3.              Does half life tell us exactly when a particular nucleus in a radioisotope will decay?

4.              What are the two definitions of half life?

5.              What does the activity of a source mean?

6.              What is the unit of activity?

7.              What will happen to the number of ‘mother’ nuclei after two half lives?

8.              What will happen to the activity of a source after two half lives?



7.10 to 7.12 calculation questions

12 January 2012


1.  A radioisotope has a half life of 12 years. What fraction of the radioisotope will be left after 60 years?

2.  If the activity of a sample falls to 1/64th of its original level after 2 hours, what is the half life of the sample?

3.  The background radiation in a laboratory is 7 Bq. The count rate from a radioisotope is measured and it has a reading of 119 Bq. If the half life of the radioisotope is 10 minutes, what will be the reading 20 minutes later?

4.  Potassium decays into argon.  The half life of potassium is 1.3 billion years.  A sample of rock from Mars is found to contain three argon atoms for every atom of potassium.  How old is the rock?                                      

interactive simple half life calculations.swf Download this file

Half life.pptx Download this file

Decay of Balonium - exponential graph.swf Download this file

7.6 and 7.7

·         7.6 describe the effects on the atomic and mass numbers of a nucleus of the emission of each of the three main types of radiation

·         7.7 understand how to complete balanced nuclear equations

<<Balanced nuclear equations.pptx>>



<<alpha decay of Am241 animation.swf>>


Did you spot the deliberate mistake on this animation?


<<beta decay of C14 animation.swf>>


The symbol for Neptunium is Np not NP!




7.6 and 7.7 Plenary

12 January 2012


<<interactive alpha and beta decay eqns.swf>>

<<Balanced nuclear equations plenary mulichoice question.pptx>>

interactive alpha and beta decay eqns.swf Download this file

beta decay of C14 animation.swf Download this file

Balanced nuclear equations.pptx Download this file

Balanced nuclear equations plenary mulichoice question.pptx Download this file

alpha decay of Am241 animation.swf Download this file



Eliza de Vries 11B

:) :) )

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


background radiation.pptx Download this file



12 January 2012


·         7.9 recall the sources of background radiation

<<background radiation.pptx>>

Whys Guy


7.4 and 7.5



7.4 and 7.5 starter

01 February 2012


Tell the person next to you…

·         What are the 7 parts of the electromagnetic spectrum you learnt in P3, Waves?

·         What are they in order of increasing frequency?



<<e-m spec.swf>>

(Note that microwaves are missing from this animation!)











·   Radio waves

·   Microwaves

·   Infra Red

·   Visible

·   Ultra violet

·   X-Rays

·   Gamma Rays



7.4 and 7.5

12 January 2012


·         7.4 understand that alpha and beta particles and gamma rays are ionising radiations emitted from unstable nuclei in a random process

·         7.5 describe the nature of alpha and beta particles and gamma rays and recall that they may be distinguished in terms of penetrating power

Producing Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation




<<decays emitting a,b,g.swf>>

<<producing a,b,g.pptx>>

Penetrating Power





<<penetrating power.swf>>




<<Interactive simulation - penetration of radiation.swf>>





<<Animation - ionisation of atom by radiation.swf>>



Effect of magnetic and electric fields

<<effect of magnetic field on a,b,g.swf>>

<<effect of electric field on a,b,g.swf>>

producing a,b,g.pptx Download this file

penetrating power.swf Download this file

ionisation.pptx Download this file

Interactive simulation - penetration of radiation.swf Download this file

effect of magnetic field on a,b,g.swf Download this file

effect of electric field on a,b,g.swf Download this file

e-m spec.swf Download this file

DJFPh109ioniz2.swf Download this file

DJFPh109gammy5.swf Download this file

DJFPh107pene3.swf Download this file

decays emitting a,b,g.swf Download this file

Animation - ionisation of atom by radiation.swf Download this file


Isotopes.ppt Download this file

·         7.3 understand the terms atomic (proton) number, mass (nucleon) number and isotope




PhET animation - build an atom

31 January 2012





Embed code for your blog

<div style="position: relative; width: 300px; height: 226px;">Build an Atom

Click to Run




PhET animation - isotopes

31 January 2012





Embed code for your blog

<div style="position: relative; width: 300px; height: 226px;">Isotopes and Atomic Mass

Click to Run



Tell the person next to you…

·         The names of 3 subatomic particles

·         What properties do they have?

<<atomic structure - electrons orbiting the nucleus.swf>>

<<sub-atomic particles - drag and drop.swf>>




11 January 2012


·         7.2 describe the structure of an atom in terms of protons, neutrons and electrons and use symbols such as 146C to describe particular nuclei

<<Proton number and mass number.ppt>>

<<atomic structure of Li - mass and proton numbers.swf>>

sub-atomic particles - drag and drop.swf Download this file

Proton number and mass number.ppt Download this file

atomic structure of Li - mass and proton numbers.swf Download this file

atomic structure - electrons orbiting the nucleus.swf Download this file

7.4 to 7.9 plenaries



7.4 to 7.9 plenaries

01 February 2012


<<alpha, beta, gamma summary table.pptx>>


<<a,b,g and ionisation plenary questions.pptx>>

alpha, beta, gamma summary table.pptx Download this file

a,b,g and ionisation plenary questions.pptx Download this file


detection of radiation.pptx Download this file

From: Matt Baker
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2012 8:53 AM
To: Amaris Odermatt; Antti Markkanen; Aufar Alif Waldi; Charlotte Cowley; Churaimas Diskul; Dillon Riberio; Eliza Mae De Vries; Hannah Amanda Fotheringham; Harriet Beattie; James Arias; Jesper Kwant; Khuntup Issara; Kirk Leekasem; Napas Jira; Nuntikorn Kuvanant; Pankhuri Singh; Rajdamrong Diskul; Samir Apaya; Sanhacha Chitvaranund; Savannah Eve Gough; Siraket Wongchindawest
Subject: 7.8




12 January 2012


·         7.8 understand that ionising radiations can be detected using a photographic film or a Geiger-Muller detector

<<detection of radiation.pptx>>

P7 student objectives sheet

P7 IGCSE Physics Student Objectives.doc Download this file

Monday, February 6, 2012


·         6.18 explain the use of step-up and step-down transformers in the large-scale generation and transmission of electrical energy


<<National grid worksheet.doc>>



6.18 answers

01 December 2011


National grid worksheet.doc Download this file


·         6.20 recall and use the relationship (for 100% efficiency):

        input power = output power

                     Vp Ip = Vs Is

<<transformer animation with sliders and example calculations.swf>>



6.19 and 6.20 Plenary answers

01 December 2011



a.       Vs/Vp=ns/np




b.      Vs/Vp=ns/np




c.       Vs/Vp=ns/np




d.      Vs/Vp=Ns/Np





2.      Vs/Vp=ns/np





a.       Iron  (Why?  Iron is a magnetically soft material - it can be magnetised and lose its magnetism easily.  This is necessary in a transformer as the magnetic field needs to change repeatedly)

b.      electrical energy in the primary coil => magnetic energy in the core =>electrical energy in the secondary coil

c.       dc current produces a steady magnetic field in the core.  To induce a current in the secondary coils there must be a changing magnetic field in the core.



a.       Step down (because the voltage decreases)


b.      Vs/Vp=ns/np




c.       P = V x I

24 = 12 x I

I = 2A


d.      Power in secondary = 24W


e.       Power in primary = 24W


f. P = V x I

24 = 240 x I

I = 0.1A


g.      The current would be greater/double



Efficiency = Useful Pout/Total Pinx100

50 = 24/Total Pin x 100

Total Pin = 48W


P = V x I

48 = 240 x I

I = 0.2A



transformer animation with sliders and example calculations.swf Download this file